Short Note,Essay,Paragraph on Diwali in English What is the spiritual significance of Diwali in Hinduism? When a poor farmer is given credit to purchase fertilizers, farm equipments etc, it will consequently improve village economy and development. This is for the first time a job guarantee scheme has been introduced in the country. Out of the Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website, rural development in india essay. They not only reduce the distance between villages and cities rural development in india essay also boost up the agricultural industry by providing fast and easy transportation.
Essay on Rural Development
Today, urbanization has made people from rural areas to shift to cities and towns, for better opportunities and facilities. Despite this huge population shift from rural to urban centers, agriculture has remained a significant source of income and livelihood for one-third of the world population. Agriculture, at the grass root level functions as a family run business, by the farmers. Hence, the role that agriculture plays in Rural Development is significant. We have given below Short and Long Essay on Agriculture and Rural Development in English under varying word lengths. These Agriculture and Rural Development essays are especially beneficial for the students of senior secondary level and help them in essay writing, debate or other competitions.
Villages primarily are agriculture based economies, not only in developing but also in developed nations around the world. Development in rural areas, up to a large extent depends on Agriculture, as it constitutes the prime source of livelihood and food for farmers and other villagers. But, the statement also hold true, the other way round, that is agricultural in a village also depends hugely on the infrastructure developments and scientific advancements in farming. Agriculture and Rural Development are directly proportional to each other and a development in any one will consequently lead to the improvement of other.
On the other hand a poor state of any one of them will adversely affect the other. Agricultural economy of a village will suffer in absence of good roads and electricity, hence, stalling the overall economical as well as social development of a village. Agriculture plays a significant role in rural development by way of employment creation, food production and livelihood. Agriculture plays a significant role in rural development by making the villages self rural development in india essay. With better agriculture yield and growth prospects in a village, development is evidently the next natural thing to happen. Agriculture is an industry which has the potential to end poverty and misery around the world.
Also, rural development in india essay, agriculture contributes to 6. On the contrary, despite such huge potential of agriculture in improving economy and eliminating poverty, rural population rural development in india essay most parts of the world faces slow social and economic development. The farmers, who provide food for almost the entire world population has very low or no access rural development in india essay modern amenities as in urban centers. They considerably lag behind in education, health and other sectors. Agriculture and Rural Development are two different aspects, yet they are also co-related. While agriculture hugely contributes in sustaining rural economy and rural development in india essay its social structure, reducing poverty etc; rural development on the other hand, rural development in india essay, includes the developments in agriculture sector as rural development in india essay as other sectors like, health, education, roads, industrialization and others.
Agriculture sector is obviously benefited by infrastructure development, because of better accessibility to markets and urban trade centers. Agriculture sector has a huge potential for transforming rural economy by making it, self sustainable. Growth in agriculture produces consequently leads to economical development and poverty eradication. It makes the village economy self sustainable; however, the overall development of a rural area depends on wide number of factors other than agriculture. The two however are closely co-related in some aspects as we will know in the following essay.
Also, nearly 2 billion people have agriculture as their primary source of income. Agriculture sector also employs nearly million people across the globe. Agriculture is an integral part of many world rural development in india essay, especially the developing ones, and hence plays a significant role in rural development. It helps the villages to be self reliant by creating new job opportunities, eradicating poverty and improving rural society. Economic development of a rural area primarily depends on the state of agriculture in that particular area. A decline in agriculture produce will adversely affect the economy. However, over dependency of rural areas on agriculture and allied sectors for employment generation is also rural development in india essay challenge for rural economy.
Though, agriculture is self reliable, it is also vulnerable to natural calamities like drought, flood, storms and pollution. A year of unexpected less rain or drought could put the whole village economy on back foot in terms of economy. The challenge is therefore to make rural economy more independent of agriculture, by introducing sectors like fish farming, honey bee farming etc. Agriculture plays a great role in overall development of rural areas; though, it is rural development in india essay the only factor on which rural development depends. Overall rural development includes development in agriculture along with other sectors, like development in education, health facilities, transportation, basic amenities like water and electricity, proper infrastructure etc.
There is no doubt that the development in terms of infrastructure, water and electricity will support agriculture sector and hence the village economy. Agriculture sector around the world is a major player in sustaining rural economy and development. It is the largest employer in rural areas and hugely contributes in its overall development. Rural development and agriculture are also co-related in more than one way, as we will find out in the following essay. The contribution of agriculture in improving rural economy is immense.
It sustains village economy by generating food, employment and other related means of livelihood. Agriculture sector is the huge employment provider in rural areas, rural development in india essay. It provides employment to daily wage labours as well as skilled work force in fields as well as other agriculture related activities. Agriculture sector is also a mass producer of food, necessary for sustaining human nutritional needs. With low yield or declining agricultural activities, signs of hunger and malnutrition start showing up within no time. Social, economic and overall development of a rural area depends on a wide number of factors like agriculture, rural development in india essay, better planning, employment generation etc.
We will discuss in brief some of the chief components of rural development below. Employment Creation is the main component of rural development. Though, in rural areas, agriculture sector is the largest employer. Therefore, to generate employment opportunities in villages, there is a need to strengthen agriculture sector and also setup other industries. Better planning must be done by the government, to boost up local economy of a village by employing development model conducive to its growth. A village economy largely depends on agriculture and hence any positive changes made in the latter will automatically improve the state of former.
Better road connectivity is a major sign of rural development which also improves the agriculture sector. Better roads and connectivity to urban trade centers mean that the farm produces reach the market early and fetch good price, hence, rural development in india essay, aiding in agricultural economy as well. Introducing modern techniques in agriculture and allied industries will automatically improve the overall development of villages. Using genetically modified seeds and organic fertilizers for better yield will consequently lead to overall development of rural areas. Availability of basic amenities like water and electricity is also a major component of rural development.
It also improves crop yield by ensuring that the field never run dry even when the natural rain is scarce. Similarly, continuous electricity supply is also beneficial for agriculture. Agriculture and Rural Development are the backbones of the economy of a nation. This becomes more befitting in case of developing and underdeveloped economies of the world. In an agrarian economy, rural development in india essay, the more better the state of agriculture is the better will be the development around rural areas, rural development in india essay. On the other hand, rural development in terms of infrastructure and other sectors creates an environment conducive to the rural development in india essay of agriculture sector.
India is primarily an agriculture based economy and a large portion of its population still resides in villages. Therefore, for developing rural India, it is imperative to develop the agriculture sector by introducing new reforms and policies. In the following essay we will go through the state of agriculture and rural development in India, discussing prospects of their improvement. It is only in third place preceded by service sector and industrial sector at first and third place respectively. Indian economy is the fastest growing economy of the world and is expected to consistently improve. Agriculture sector is one of the primary sectors of the Indian economy. Agriculture also plays a significant role in making the village economy self sustainable and independent.
Rural India is still far away from industrialization and the prime source of employment for rural people is the agriculture sector. Agriculture sector therefore is the main player in Indian economy as it sustains not only farmers but also other small businesses and vendors those rely on it. Agricultural produces are transported to markets, in turn providing employment in transport sector. While the products breach markets, small vegetable vendors, shop keepers purchase the products for direct selling, thereby generating tremendous employment opportunities.
Needless to say that agriculture sector employs skilled and unskilled labours at all levels and in all allied sectors. Beginning inthe Government of India has been framing and implementing five year plan, after every five year, to improve the overall development of the country, primarily in the rural areas. Under the five year plan dams had been built, irrigation canals constructed, agricultural reforms introduced etc. Government has in the subsequent years increased spending on agriculture and related sectors in a bid to make them independent and self reliant.
The money is spent on improving agriculture sector right from the production stage to marketing stage. Good roads are the most significant symbols of rural development and also the most important one. They not only reduce the distance between villages and cities but also boost up the agricultural industry by providing fast and easy transportation. Giving agricultural loans at reasonable rates to small and poor farmers will also aid in rural development. When a poor farmer is given credit to purchase fertilizers, farm equipments etc, it will consequently improve village economy and development. Rural job guarantee schemes like MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act which guarantees job on daily basis to rural population do a commendable job in improving the village economy.
It provides job not only in agriculture sector rural development in india essay also in other fields such as road and building construction etc. Indian economy is largely dependent on rural development in india essay, while the latter depends on rural development. It is also true that economic and social development of Indian villages is primarily dependent on agriculture sector. Essay on City Life Vs Village Life. Speech on Agriculture. Essay on Organic Farming. Abhishek Singh, is a content writer who formerly worked as a Electrical project Engineer. An engineer by circumstances and a writer by choice, He loves to express himself in writing. His day begins with writing and ends with reading in the night to share his vast knowledge with you all about the various topics He writes.
Find all. Please Help us to improve, Contact us, rural development in india essay.
social work essay
In an agrarian economy, the more better the state of agriculture is the better will be the development around rural areas. On the other hand, rural development in terms of infrastructure and other sectors creates an environment conducive to the growth of agriculture sector. India is primarily an agriculture based economy and a large portion of its population still resides in villages. Therefore, for developing rural India, it is imperative to develop the agriculture sector by introducing new reforms and policies. In the following essay we will go through the state of agriculture and rural development in India, discussing prospects of their improvement.
It is only in third place preceded by service sector and industrial sector at first and third place respectively. Indian economy is the fastest growing economy of the world and is expected to consistently improve. Agriculture sector is one of the primary sectors of the Indian economy. Agriculture also plays a significant role in making the village economy self sustainable and independent. Rural India is still far away from industrialization and the prime source of employment for rural people is the agriculture sector.
Agriculture sector therefore is the main player in Indian economy as it sustains not only farmers but also other small businesses and vendors those rely on it. Agricultural produces are transported to markets, in turn providing employment in transport sector. While the products breach markets, small vegetable vendors, shop keepers purchase the products for direct selling, thereby generating tremendous employment opportunities. Needless to say that agriculture sector employs skilled and unskilled labours at all levels and in all allied sectors. Beginning in , the Government of India has been framing and implementing five year plan, after every five year, to improve the overall development of the country, primarily in the rural areas.
Under the five year plan dams had been built, irrigation canals constructed, agricultural reforms introduced etc. Government has in the subsequent years increased spending on agriculture and related sectors in a bid to make them independent and self reliant. The money is spent on improving agriculture sector right from the production stage to marketing stage. Good roads are the most significant symbols of rural development and also the most important one. They not only reduce the distance between villages and cities but also boost up the agricultural industry by providing fast and easy transportation. Giving agricultural loans at reasonable rates to small and poor farmers will also aid in rural development.
When a poor farmer is given credit to purchase fertilizers, farm equipments etc, it will consequently improve village economy and development. Rural job guarantee schemes like MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act which guarantees job on daily basis to rural population do a commendable job in improving the village economy. It provides job not only in agriculture sector but also in other fields such as road and building construction etc. Indian economy is largely dependent on agriculture, while the latter depends on rural development. It is also true that economic and social development of Indian villages is primarily dependent on agriculture sector. Essay on City Life Vs Village Life.
Speech on Agriculture. Essay on Organic Farming. Abhishek Singh, is a content writer who formerly worked as a Electrical project Engineer. An engineer by circumstances and a writer by choice, He loves to express himself in writing. His day begins with writing and ends with reading in the night to share his vast knowledge with you all about the various topics He writes. Find all. Please Help us to improve, Contact us. Essay on Agriculture and Rural Development. This programme was initiated as a multi-pronged attack on the problem of rural development was designed as an anti-poverty programme. The process of economic development carried out in a country like India has benefitted mostly the relatively developed areas and also the relatively better off people.
Inspite of various attempts the benefits have not reached up to the backward areas and its backward people. To rectify this situation, designing of special programme for eradicating poverty became urgent. Thus, for the alleviation of rural poverty, poor people should be endowed with productive assets or skills for their fruitful self-employment by which they can earn greater incomes and thus cross the poverty line. Basic objective of IRDP as introduced in the Sixth Plan was to promote self-employment of the poor households along-with the transfer of productive assets, so that they can earn income sufficient enough to cross the poverty line.
Thus, the Sixth Plan conceived and designed IRDP as an anti-poverty programme. The plan also emphasised that these people were poor because they did not possess any productive assets of their own except their labour, nor did they possess any special skills. All these assets would normally include sources of irrigation for those possessing some land, bullocks, other farm implements, seeds and fertilizers, animals for dairy and other animal husbandry activities, tools and training for cottage industries, handicrafts, village industries etc. In recent years, two special sub-schemes of IRDP are also introduced.
These include—Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment TRYSEM , and Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas DWCRA. Out of the total beneficiaries, at least 40 per cent should be women. The programme of Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas DWCRA aims to improve the socio-economic status of the poor women in the rural areas through creation of group of women for income generating activities on a self-sustaining basis. Table 8. In respect of TRYSEM, total number of rural youth trained was 0. In respect of DWCRA, about 50, groups in and 9, groups in were formed. In respect of EAS, SGRY-I mandays of employment generated was In respect of PMRY, total employment generated was 1.
b Difference between cost and value of asset to the extent of Rs was noticed in 18 per cent cases showing leakages and malpractices. The National Rural Employment Programme NREP replaced and restructured the Food for Work Programme in October NREP was a centrally sponsored scheme implemented with 50 sharing basis between the Centre and the States. The 50 per cent Central assistance was received in the form of food-grains and cash assistance as well. This programme was conceived as wage-employment programme. a Generating additional gainful employment opportunities to the extent of million mandays per year for the unemployed and underemployed persons in the rural areas;. b To create durable community assets for strengthening rural economic and social infrastructure which includes drinking water wells, community irrigation wells, minor irrigation works, village tanks, rural roads, schools, panchayat houses etc.
c Bringing improvement in the overall quality of life in rural areas and to improve nutritional standards of the rural poor through supply of food-grains as part of wage. Overriding objective was to make provision of wage employment for the rural poor. Under this programme, the shelf of projects was prepared on the basis of felt needs of entire rural community. The Sixth Plan in its report observed,. This segment of the rural poor which largely depends on wage employment virtually has no source of income during the lean agricultural period. The National Rural Employment Programme is conceived in the main to take care of this segment of the rural poor.
The programme was implemented through District Rural Development Agency DRDA at the district level. It was decided that at the district level, 50 per cent of the expenditure would be incurred on wage component, 25 per cent be incurred on social forestry and 10 per cent for the benefit of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. During the Sixth Plan period a sum of Rs 1, crore was allocated under this programme. But the actual total expenditure both by the Central and State Government was to the extent of Rs 1, crore. During this plan period, there was decline in the utilisation of food-grains mainly due to inadequate arrangements of distribution, lower market price of food-grains at open market and preference for coarse grains instead of rice and wheat supplied under this programme.
Considering this situation the government decided to subsidise food-grains by 37 paisa to 40 paisa per kg for its distribution under this programme from January, The utilisation of food grains was to the extent of But the programme had no clear cut focus about target group of beneficiaries. To the extent the programme had apparently lacked a direct focus on the target group population for whom it was meant. However, the Seventh Plan in its draft observed that the programme had resulted a substantial impact in respect of stabilisation of wages in rural areas, containing prices of food-grains, creating community assets which are expected to raise the level of living of the rural population.
Seventh Plan allocated an outlay of Rs 2, crore for NREP and set a target to generate employment to the extent of 1, million mandays. Regarding the progress of work under NREP, Table 8. During first three years, about The Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme RLEGP was launched on 15th August with objectives of generating gainful employment opportunities, to create productive assets in rural area and also for the improvement of overall quality of rural life. In this programme, the guarantee has not been operationalised due to lack of funds. In this programme again, preference in employment was given to landless labourers, women, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
This programme is totally funded by the Central Government. While allocating resources to State and Union Territories 50 per cent weightage has been given on the number of agricultural labourers, marginal farmers and marginal workers and the remaining 50 per cent weightage to the incidence of poverty. The programme also envisaged that wage component of a project should not be less than 50 per cent of the total expenditure on the programme. In this programme various projects like social forestry, Indira Awaas Yojana and Million Wells Scheme were included. In , the RLEGP and NREP were merged with Jawahar Rozgar Yojana.
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana JRY was launched on 28th April, , by the then Prime Minister Late Rajiv Gandhi. In this programme all the existing rural wage employment programmes were merged into JRY. Thus, the NREP and RLEGP were merged within the single programme called JRY. From 1st April , JRY is restructured and renamed as Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana JGSY. The scheme envisaged to benefit lakh of families lying below the poverty line in India through panchayats. In JRY, the allocation of fund among different states has been done in proportion to the size of population below the poverty line only. Further devolution of funds to the districts has been determined by the criteria of its backwardness.
JRY made adequate provision of funds for their village panchayats to run its employment scheme for the rural poor. On an average, a village panchayat with its population people will receive between Rs 80, and Rs 1 lakh every year. It was decided to provide employment to at least one member in each poor family for at least 50 to days annually. In and , total employment generated under JRY was and million mandays respectively. In , the achievement of JRY in respect of generation of gainful employment was to the tune of million mandays as against the target of million mandays.
In , the achievement was million mandays as against the target of million mandays of employment and in , the achievement was million mandays as against of The budgets provide for an allocation of Rs 1, crore and the employment generation has been targeted at million mandays. But the total mandays of employment generated under JRY during up to Feb. Again, in respect of JRY, total number of mandays of employment generated during the Eighth Plan was 4, On 15th August, , another social welfare scheme, namely, National Social Assistance Programme NSAP was announced.
This multi-dimensional NSAP for the poor encompasses old age pension, family benefit in case of death of the bread winner and maternity benefit. The NSAP is a centrally sponsored programme with per cent central funding and it is intended to ensure that social protection to the beneficiaries throughout the country is uniformly available without interruption. The NSAP consists of the following three components :. a National Old Age Pension Scheme NOAPS —providing a pension of Rs. b National Fiamily Benefit Scheme NFBS —providing Rs. c National Maternity Benefit Scheme NMBS —Providing Rs. This programme involves an expenditure of Rs. In , an outlay of Rs. Regarding the achievements of NSAP, it is observed that the number of beneficiaries under NOAPS were 5.
Number of beneficiaries under NFBS were 0. Again, number of beneficiaries under NMBS were 1. The Government had launched a new scheme, namely, Rural Group life Insurance Scheme RGLIS on 15th August, in order to provide life insurance coverage to the rural people of the country. The objective of the scheme is to promote social insurance in the rural areas with the active involvement of the Panchayats and to partly alleviate the distress caused by the death of the bread-winner among the rural poor. The scheme is being administered by the Life Insurance Corporation LIC of India and implemented by the Panchayats in the rural areas for the age group of years.
Under this new scheme, a life cover of Rs 5, is provided to the rural population for an annual premium of Rs 60 to Rs 70 depending upon the age of entry in the Scheme. As on December 31, , the Scheme has been implemented in 12 states and Union Territories and 50, persons under Panchayats have been covered under the scheme. Integrated Rural Development Programme IRDP and allied programmes such as Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment TRYSEM , Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas DWCRA and Million Wells Scheme MWS have been restructured into a single self-employment programme called the Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana SGSY from April The SGSY is conceived as a holistic programme of micro enterprises covering all aspects of self- employment which includes organising rural poor into Self Help Groups SHGs.
It integrates various agencies— District Rural Development Agencies, banks, line departments, Panchayati Raj Institutions, non-government organisations and other semi-government organisations. We can say that the rural areas provide the feed back to a nation. Our rural areas have progressed a lot in every field and UNO has also started many organisations for the progress of rural areas. So, along with government we also have to join hands in the development of rural India. Rural Development! It is a process of developing the quality of life socially and economically or improving the standard of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. For development of Indian economy the rural development is must.
Rural areas are still indulged in problems like hunger, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and lack of basic infrastructure like schools, hospitals, sanitation and so more. So the youths are moving from villages to cities in search of jobs. There is a need to develop rural areas with cities and standard of life has to improve there for inclusive growth. Our government has introduced a scheme Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojna to provide additional employment to rural people. Under this scheme, those who take employment from Panchayats to build durable rural assets will be get wages in cash and in food grains. These efforts will surely help in the rural development of India. In short we need to empower the rural people by providing them proper education and proper health care facilities.
They must have infrastructures including electricity and water so that they are free from the cycle of droughts and floods. We need to provide them with self-employment so that they want to stay in villages instead of moving in cities. There is a need to empower them, not just supporting them. India will grow only when rural India grow. Punctuality Essay - What is the importance of punctuality and regularity?